What does it mean?

Etymology-From French bon mot (“good word”). Pronunciation- /bɔ̃ mɔ/

A clever saying, phrase or witticism; often, a witty riposte in dialogue.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

'So...what are some good words?'

‘….what are some good words? We need a good word…something memorable…something clever…,’
This was the usual springboard for our numerous conversations, wine and irony flowing equally.
A couple 30-somethings, yet again, innocently pouring a glass, discussing our latest kitchen forays, a new culinary challenge and of course where to dine next . Somehow, the notion of a blog sauntered in so naturally, but as for a name (and there is so much in a name), we were…..oddly, without words.
Us, without words, CRIMINAL!
Sure, we shared a growing lists of options for days, weeks….even months (Zut Alors!) and finally one day, it hit us square in the face and with very little apology. As they say it’s right under your nose and for us, frequently escaping our lips. It was our cheer, our daily reminder, keeping us focused on the prize; the theme that was to be our blogs purpose! The Good Words!
And so, LeBonMots* was born.
Two chicks, each with a little French birth right, and a realization that our conversations are every woman’s conversations; we were about to share our ideas with a much wider audience.
We hope this blog inspires you to indulge your palate, challenge your abilities, push your limits and quit being so lady-like…take a BIGGER bite out of life, after all, it is yours for the taking.
*Etymology-From French bon mot (“good word”).  Pronunciation- /bɔ̃ mɔ/     Noun-bon mot (plural bons mots or bon mots)
 A clever saying, phrase or witticism; often, a witty riposte in dialogue.

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